Annual Networking Happy Dinner - by Nzinga Blankendal (17 January 2013)

30 Jan 2013 19:00 | Anonymous
On 17 January 2013 it was that time of the year again; time for OWIT Lake Geneva’s Annual Networking Happy Dinner! Over fifty people, including members and non-members, some of whom brought their partners, gathered at the cosy restaurant l’Adresse in Geneva. The evening started with everyone drawing a number that would determine where everyone was to be seated; a perfect way to ensure that the networking evening was off to a good start.

The evening’s speaker was Terri O’Brien, Director in Supply Chain Operations at Johnson & Johnson. She emphasized the importance of being happy at work, to say what you think and make a change. She left us with some food for thought: ‘What makes you happy at work?”.

The overall feeling during the evening was very positive and it was found to be both interesting and rewarding. All members have very diverse reasons for joining OWIT and its events. New member Jennifer Hawkins joined because of positive experiences with OWIT’s Washington DC’s chapter and women who have been a member longer such as Ionna Foka says that she would advise all women who come to Geneva to join OWIT because of the friendly, genuine open atmosphere and the fact that it is very good for professional networking: “Through people you get to know corporations and a country’s professional environment!” For Caroline Mahner it’s inspiring to learn what people do for a living as this creates new perspectives on working and living while increasing one's networking skills.

New member Ania Ferdyn admitted she did not know what to expect of the evening but found the atmosphere very relaxing and energizing because of all the conversations with many positive minded business women. As she said: “There is no better place to make quality connections, cultivate relationships and get to know so many unusual, bright professional women in our region!”

Nzinga Blankendal
Communications Volunteer