OWIT Lake Geneva is proud to invite you to the WTO Public Form 2019! Please register before SEPTEMBER 16th on the WTO Public Forum.
Our session will focus on how to harness current trends to achieve greater gender equity in trade and services by bringing together diverse actors at the international level, to exchange ideas and work within local ecosystems to create impact.
Key questions that will be addressed in the session comprise:
How can current trends and change be leveraged to enable women to take advantage of opportunities in international trade and services?
What are the potential challenges to greater inclusiveness in trade and services and how can business communities, support institutions and other ecosystem actors overcome them?
How must the legal and regulatory environment evolve and what policy innovations are needed to ensure that concerns and potential negative consequences are anticipated and dealt with?
How can we establish a baseline and ensure we track impact on the improvement of gender equity in international trade in services?
These topics will be discussed by our distinguished panelists:
Ambassador Chad Blackman, Barbados Ambassador to the UN in Geneva will provide insights into how inclusiveness can be built in to the strategy;
Nino Zambhakidze, Agric-Enterprise, Head of the Georgian Farmers' Association, Georgia and Clinton Foundation Awardee will highlight how technology has added value to the agro-food industry and discuss the extent to which this has impacted women’s participation in the sector;
Stephen de Boer, Canadian Ambassador & Permanent Representative to the WTO, will outline how Canada has taken a leadership role in pursuing the integration of gender chapters in its free trade agreements to advance women’s economic empowerment;
Yolanda Gibb, Global Lead, Trade, for Women’s Economic Imperative (WEI) has worked with the International Trade Centre (ITC) and with the EBRD on assessing gender responsive investment climate;
The discussion will be moderated by OWIT's Mucha Mlingo, President OWIT Nairobi who drives the agenda of OWIT Nairobi to empower women to transform communities through global trade.
For more details on this event, you can access the WTO Public Forum agenda:
October 9th, at 16:30
World Trade Organisation room S1
Centre William Rappard
Rue de Lausanne, 154
Case postale
1211 Genève 2