Coaching 2.0 - Embracing Change
New venue:
Prime's Fine Dining
Rue Hans Wilsdorf 4, 1227 Genève
Parking: Patinoire des Vernets
"A Master Mind Alliance is the coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose" Napoleon Hill
Join us for an insight into the power of coaching, how it can be integrated into your day to day life, might be in family, at your job , as a leader and manager and many more.
You will see with your own eyes a life coaching session and moreover have the opportunity to meet experienced coaches with different focus.
You will choose which mastermind group to join depending on your challenge or interest.
The aim of the mastermind is to get together with like minded people
•stimulates dialog among thinking people
•share ideas, experiences, challenges, successes
•circle of trust
Agenda :
18.30-19.00 - welcome and introduction to coaching
19.00-19.15 - live coaching session on stage
19.15-20.00 - split into mastermind groups which will focus on : parenthood - emotions - relationships - career progression, transition, steering your career
20.00 onwards networking
Register here for this event.